Tonnenweise Tagebuch

Mikael Lundblad

Mikael Lundblad

He’s the micro-paleontologist who changed careers thanks to a fossil collection. As TÔNN’s in-house photographer Mikael Lundblad knows all the best ways to use the Portal shelf. Like in his...

Mikael Lundblad

He’s the micro-paleontologist who changed careers thanks to a fossil collection. As TÔNN’s in-house photographer Mikael Lundblad knows all the best ways to use the Portal shelf. Like in his...

Stina Lönnkvist

Stina Lönnkvist

She’s the unsentimental beauty entrepreneur who follows her craziest ideas when she decorates and wants her guests to throw themselves on the sofa. Her long Portal shelf is a confident...

Stina Lönnkvist

She’s the unsentimental beauty entrepreneur who follows her craziest ideas when she decorates and wants her guests to throw themselves on the sofa. Her long Portal shelf is a confident...

Pia Ulin

Pia Ulin

She’s lived in New York, built a house in Portugal, and renovated another one in Dalarna. After ten years of world exploration, photographer and ceramicist Pia Ulin is back in...

Pia Ulin

She’s lived in New York, built a house in Portugal, and renovated another one in Dalarna. After ten years of world exploration, photographer and ceramicist Pia Ulin is back in...

Saskia Cort

Saskia Cort

Influencer Saskia Cort is trying to hack life – and to find herself along the way. She thinks of the Portal shelf as a jewelry box, regularly asks her friends...

Saskia Cort

Influencer Saskia Cort is trying to hack life – and to find herself along the way. She thinks of the Portal shelf as a jewelry box, regularly asks her friends...

Josephine Blix

Josephine Blix

Josephine Blix, founder of bedding company Midnatt, lives next door to the Swedish king and has created more space in her 18th-century house with her personal Portal shelf. We took a...

Josephine Blix

Josephine Blix, founder of bedding company Midnatt, lives next door to the Swedish king and has created more space in her 18th-century house with her personal Portal shelf. We took a...

Cilla Ramnek

Cilla Ramnek

Swedish artist Cilla Ramnek’s bookshelf is in a constant state of change and fits her entire life. We met up for a conversation about downsizing, the balance between order and...

Cilla Ramnek

Swedish artist Cilla Ramnek’s bookshelf is in a constant state of change and fits her entire life. We met up for a conversation about downsizing, the balance between order and...

rörlig ritning av flera hyllor

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