Tonnenweise Tagebuch

Viola Bergström

Viola Bergström

We visit project manager and creative Viola Bergström. With her great sense of style she has captured the Portal shelf in a completely new way.

Viola Bergström

We visit project manager and creative Viola Bergström. With her great sense of style she has captured the Portal shelf in a completely new way.

Swantje Hinrichsen

Swantje Hinrichsen

Art director Swantje Hinrichsen recently moved to a new apartment, and updated her Portal collection with additional shelves, customized to fit the new home office. The shelf has room for...

Swantje Hinrichsen

Art director Swantje Hinrichsen recently moved to a new apartment, and updated her Portal collection with additional shelves, customized to fit the new home office. The shelf has room for...

Emilia Ilke

Emilia Ilke

To say that she doesn’t lay on the lazy side is an understatement. During two parental leaves, artist Emilia Ilke has collaborated with several companies where her typical “Emilia Ilke...

Emilia Ilke

To say that she doesn’t lay on the lazy side is an understatement. During two parental leaves, artist Emilia Ilke has collaborated with several companies where her typical “Emilia Ilke...

TÔNN furniture

TÔNN furniture

We celebrate 10 years and start by changing the name from Betonggruvan to TÔNN furniture. TÔNN is a completely made up word. Now we have a name without implications to...

TÔNN furniture

We celebrate 10 years and start by changing the name from Betonggruvan to TÔNN furniture. TÔNN is a completely made up word. Now we have a name without implications to...

Cecilia Blankens

Cecilia Blankens

Cecilia Blankens, entrepreneur and influencer. We meet Cecilia in her stunning house and talk about how to find your own style, the meaning of things and of course about the...

Cecilia Blankens

Cecilia Blankens, entrepreneur and influencer. We meet Cecilia in her stunning house and talk about how to find your own style, the meaning of things and of course about the...

Ida Lauga

Ida Lauga

This week we visit Ida, Leo, Ava and Gaston Lauga in Gamla Enskede, Stockholm. Ida and Leo are both creators, working as interior stylist and graphic designer.

Ida Lauga

This week we visit Ida, Leo, Ava and Gaston Lauga in Gamla Enskede, Stockholm. Ida and Leo are both creators, working as interior stylist and graphic designer.

rörlig ritning av flera hyllor

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