Tonnenweise Tagebuch

Elin Odnegård

Elin Odnegård

We visit Gothenburg based stylist Elin Odnegård to talk about the charm with renovating her townhouse som the 70s.

Elin Odnegård

We visit Gothenburg based stylist Elin Odnegård to talk about the charm with renovating her townhouse som the 70s.

Linnea Paulsson Neppelberg

Linnea Paulsson Neppelberg

Art director Linnea Paulsson Neppelberg’s shelf is filled with magazines, ceramic pieces and small children climbing.

Linnea Paulsson Neppelberg

Art director Linnea Paulsson Neppelberg’s shelf is filled with magazines, ceramic pieces and small children climbing.

Barbro Segerfelt

Barbro Segerfelt

In Barbro Segerfelt’s home we are served coffee and a cookie buffet. We talk about sweet memories and the history of the bookshelf.

Barbro Segerfelt

In Barbro Segerfelt’s home we are served coffee and a cookie buffet. We talk about sweet memories and the history of the bookshelf.

Ellen Dixdotter

Ellen Dixdotter

Marketing director at fashion brand Malene Birger and one of our favourite instagrammers.

Ellen Dixdotter

Marketing director at fashion brand Malene Birger and one of our favourite instagrammers.


Corner shelf

Do you have a home with lots of angles and nooks, or have you always longed for a corner shelf? Then maybe it's in a corner where your shelving system...

Corner shelf

Do you have a home with lots of angles and nooks, or have you always longed for a corner shelf? Then maybe it's in a corner where your shelving system...

Lina Andersson

Lina Andersson

Malmö based art director and founder of Lite Kalabalik.

Lina Andersson

Malmö based art director and founder of Lite Kalabalik.

rörlig ritning av flera hyllor

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